传思律阁(TransLegal)于1989年创立于瑞典斯德哥尔摩, 现总部设于英国,是全球法律英语培训的开创者和领先者。本着提高学生法律英语水平,进而帮助法律人提升国际化素养,更好融入国际商事交易和谈判中的办学宗旨,传思律阁自成立伊始便一直致力于世界范围内的法律英语培训,并以此为中心开发了全套线上法律英语教程、法律英语测试以及法律英语检索工具。为丰富课程设置,突出其全面性与实用性,传思律阁还与剑桥大学及波士顿大学法学院结成战略合作伙伴,联合推出了一系列法律英语教学材料和课程,为业界广泛采用。
Teaching Aims
· This multi-day course provides an overview of the legal system of the United States of America. It is designed to introduce important concepts and substantive areas in U.S. law, including the case law system, the U.S. Constitution, tort law, contracts law, civil procedure, and legal ethics.
· The course is also designed to introduce the structure of the U.S. legal system.
· Finally, the course will cover and include discussion of basic concepts in Legal English and introduce students to some of the details and practicalities of being a lawyer in the United States.
1.May 27, 2019. 6:30pm to 8:50pm. [Introduction and Context].
Introduction to the Structure of Government and the Legal System in the United States, including discussion of Federalism, Separation of Powers, the Judiciary, Sources of Law, and Structure of the U.S. Constitution.
In the United States, power is divided at the federal level among and between the legislature, executive, and judiciary. Power is also divided between the federal and state governments through a concept known as federalism. In this class, we will discuss the structure of the U.S. system and the sources of law that flow from it.
2.May 28, 2019. 6:30pm to 8:50pm. [Reading Skills].
Introduction to Reading and Studying Cases.
Judges resolve disputes between two or more parties and in the process issue written opinions that are called cases.Cases have the force of law.In this class, we will discuss how to read and brief cases in order to develop an understanding of United States case law.
3.May 29, 2019. 6:30pm to 8:50pm. [Reasoning Skills].
Legal Reasoning and Effective Legal Argument.
We will discuss legal reasoning and how cases are used when making legal argument.
4.May 30, 2019. 6:30pm to 8:50pm. [Reasoning and Writing Skills].
Applying Cases to Facts: Legal Research and Writing.
This class will discuss the application of case law to facts in the construction of legal argument. We will also discuss legal writing in the U.S., including the best ways to construct a sentence and persuade a judge to agree with your position. IRAC stands for Issue, Rule, Analysis, and Conclusion. IRAC provides basic structure to any legal argument.
5.June 3, 2019. 6:30pm to 9:00pm. [Pre Law School Issues].
Introduction to the Law of Torts in the U.S.
The law of Torts describes the methods for obtaining redress for injuries inflicted to person, reputation, or business. We will discuss basic tort law concepts like intent, negligence, and causation.
6.June 4, 2019. 6:30pm to 9:00pm. [Pre Law School Issues].
Introduction to the Law of Contracts in the U.S.
This block will discuss the law of enforceable promises in the U.S., including the requirements for enforcing a promise and the damages that a party is entitled to when a contract is breached and a promise is not fulfilled.
7.June 5, 2019. 6:30pm to 9:00pm. [Pre Law School Issues].
Introduction to Civil Procedure.
The Law of Civil Procedure governs how cases move through the U.S. court system. We will discuss some basic concepts in civil procedure while also discussing the power of courts in the U.S. to hear certain cases between certain parties.
8.June 6, 2019. 6:30pm to 9:00pm. [Pre Law School Issues].
Introduction to Legal Ethics, Professional Responsibility, and the Role of Lawyers in the U.S.
This unit introduces the mechanism for regulating membership in the Bar and the conduct of lawyers.
Each block will have assigned readings that will be supplied to you.
一、 美国政府结构与法律体系介绍
二、 案例阅读与学习
三、 法律论证与有效的法律辩论
四、 法律写作与IRAC的运用
·法律辩论的基本结构IRAC(Issue, Rule, Analysis, Conclusion)
五、 美国侵权法简介
六、 美国合同法简介
七、 美国民事诉讼法以及法庭的案件审理权
八、 美国法律职业伦理以及律师角色
Professor Steve Donweber,波士顿大学法学院教授,长期以来从事美国民事法律,法律检索,案例运用等教学与科研工作。在校教授课程:法律职业伦理、联邦民事法律实践、证据法学、合同法学、美国法律简介等。Steve Donweber以他创新的教学方法教授学生法律检索和其他作为律师的技巧,获得了很大的成功。
Steve Donweber著有Federal Civil Practice 一书并由威科教育出版社于2015年出版。除此之外,还著有与法律检索,案例适用相关的多本著作。
Steve Donweber曾经作为执业律师,参与过大量集体诉讼案件以及复杂的商业诉讼案件,拥有丰富的实践经验。
Steve Donweber取得康奈尔大学文科学士学位,维拉诺瓦大学法律博士(J.D.)学位。