
Call for Application for Visiting Scholars Fudan University Law School

发布日期: 2019年06月10日


Fudan University Law School has a scheme for scholars and legal professionals to come and hold a 2 or 3-week visiting appointment for the purpose of carrying out teaching and research activities. The visiting scholar is expected to teach a 2-credit course (28 teaching hours) during the appointment period. The application is open all year round.


Allowances & Services

 Up to 35,000 RMB teaching fee and living stipend (before tax)

 Round-trip air fare (Economy class) subvention may be available upon application by the appointee

 Office and other customary facilities

 The appointee is responsible for arranging his/her own accommodation at their own expense. (Information and administrative assistance will be provided)


How to Apply

 Application Form

 One Reference Letter

 CV with a list of publications in English or Chinese

 Teaching Plan/Syllabus


Scholars and legal professionals specializing in Law and Finance, International Compliance, Dispute Resolution and Conflict Management, Law and Technology, International Law, Professional Skills and Career Development are particularly welcome.

Prior to taking up the appointment, the appointee shall show proof of accident and health insurance coverage for the period of stay at Fudan.

Please send the required application documents to lawacademy@fudan.edu.cn.

For more detailed information, please contact Ms. ZHU Jialu,  the Secretary of International Affairs and Scientific Research Office via email address above.