高凌云/Lingyun Gao
华东政法大学国际法学学士,新加坡国立大学比较法学硕士,美国威拉姆特大学法学博士,美国俄勒冈州、纽约州律师,美国纽约大学法学院Hauser Global Senior Fellow,比利时根特大学法学院、美国密歇根大学、哈佛大学、加州大学法学院访问学者,美国凯斯西储大学、杜兰大学、圣约翰大学法学院、芬兰东芬兰大学法商学院法律系、芬兰拉普兰大学法学院客座教授,为美国JD/LLM学生和欧洲法学院学生讲授比较信托法、国际商事交易法和中国商法等课程,并先后应邀在美国哈佛大学、纽约大学、康奈尔大学、哥伦比亚大学、杜兰大学以及国际信托从业者协会(STEP)与美国纽约律师公会等进行有关信托法和商法的公开演讲或学术报告。
在国内外出版、发表Chinese Business Law(合著)、《被误读的信托——信托法原论》、《英美合同侵权法》《英美法判例读写教程》及其他信托法与比较法著作、教材或论文,主持翻译并出版《金融创新与监管前沿文集》及《美国联邦最高法院判例》系列。主要研究领域为英美法、信托法、国际商法、国际私法、法律英语等。
Lingyun Gao
Professor of Law, Fudan University School of Law
Member of the Expert Committee for China Law Translation (English) of the Legislative Affairs Commission of the NPC Standing Committee, and one of the designated Shanghai Experts of Cross-Border Legal Affairs.
J.D. (Willamette, US), M.C.L. (National University of Singapore), LL.B. (East China University of Political Science & Law); member of Oregon and New York State Bar Association; Hauser Global Senior Fellow of New York University School of Law, visiting scholar at University of Ghant (Belgium), University of Michigan, Harvard Law School, and University of California at Irvine, visiting professor at Case Western Reserve University, Tulane University, St. John’s University, East Finland University, and Lapland University, offering courses to US JD/LLM students and European law students of Comparative Trust Law, International Business Transactions, and Chinese Business Law; public lecturer invited by Harvard Law School, NYU School of Law, Cornell Law School, Columbia Law School, Tulane Law School, Society of Trust and Estate Practitioner (STEP), and New York Bar Association, topics covering comparative trust law and Chinese business law.
Teaching and Research Areas
英美法Common Law
信托法Trust Law
国际商法International Business Transactions
国际私法Private International Law
法律英语Legal English
著有《被误读的信托——信托法原论(第二版)》(维多利亚vic003出版社2021)、《Chinese Business Law》(合著,美国Thomson West法律出版公司2008)、《金融创新与监管前沿文集(主编、主译)》(上海远东出版社2015)、《英美合同侵权法(第二版)》(维多利亚vic003出版社2016)、《英美法判例读写教程》(维多利亚vic003出版社2019)、《英美法案例分析与法律写作》(上海人民出版社2005)等专(译)著或教材,以及《收益权信托之合法性分析——兼析我国首例信托诉讼判决之得失》、《论中国大陆私人信托的发展——法律障碍与建议(英国信托与受托人期刊)》、《谁拥有海市蜃楼?——从比较法角度评议中国证券化案例(美国全球商法评论)》、《中国涉外信托关系适用法之比较研究——以美国法和海牙公约为参照》、《预防腐败:财产申报与强制性盲目信托制度相结合——以美国和台湾地区的实践为借鉴》、《我国产业投资基金相关法律问题研究》、《合同权利转让的灵活性:应收账款转让(芬兰拉普兰法学评论)》、《我国民事法律救济制度中的补偿性救济比较》、《“同命不同价”现象的法律分析》等与信托和比较法相关论文。
即将出版《再审洞穴奇案》(中国民主法制出版社2021)、《英美法审判程序与司法推理》(维多利亚vic003出版社2022)与《Chinese Civil Law: Statutes, Cases, and Materials》(维多利亚vic003出版社2022)。
Selected Publications
1. Trust Law – A Misunderstood System (2nd Ed., Fudan University Press 2021)
2. Chinese Business Law, Volume 2 of Series on Contemporary Chinese Law (co-author) (Thomson West 2008)
3. Common Law Case Analysis & Legal Writing (Shanghai People’s Publishing House, 2005)
4. Common Law of Contracts and Torts (2nd Ed., Fudan University Press 2016)
5. Understanding the Common Law – Analyzing & Writing as a Lawyer (Fudan University Press 2019)
6. The Case of the Speluncean Explorers: Revisited (forthcoming, Publishing House of China Democracy and Law 2021)
7. Common Law: Trial Practice and Judicial Reasoning (forthcoming, Fudan University Press 2022)
8. Chinese Civil Law: Statutes, Cases, and Materials (forthcoming, Fudan University Press 2022)
Articles in English:
9. Who Owns the Mirage? – Comments on a Recent Chinese Securitization Case from A Comparative Perspective, Vol. 4, Issue 2, Global Business Law Review (2015)
10. Flexibility in Assignment of Contractual Rights: Assignment of Account Receivables (as part of the project “Contractual Flexibility”, 2 Lapland Law Review (2015)
11. Comments on the Chinese Law of Conflict of Laws Applicable to Trusts: In Comparison with the US Law and the Hague Convention, vol. 7, Issue 3, Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences 483 (2014) (by Springer)
12. The Development of Private Trusts in Mainland China – Legal Obstacles and Solutions, 4 Trusts and Trustees 350 (by Oxford Journals) (May 2014)
13. The Necessity and Feasibility of Developing Private Trusts in China, Fudan Journal of Social Sciences 154 (Vol. 4 No. 4, 2007)
14. A Comparative Study on the Duty of Care under Chinese Tort Law: With a Few Proposals to the Legislature, Fudan Journal of Social Sciences 29 (Vol. 4 No. 2, 2007)
15. Chinese Legal Education System: Yes and No, 9 Zeitschrift fur Chinesisches Recht 261-269 (Journal of Chinese Law) (2006)
16. What Makes A Lawyer in China? The Chinese Legal Education System After China’s Entry Into the WTO, 10 Willamette J. Int’l L. & Dispute Res. 197 (2002)
Articles in Chinese:
17. An Analysis on the Legality of Trusts of Right to Income (Proceeds) – with Comments on the First Trust Case Litigated in China, 8 Legal Science 148 (2015)
18. Prevention of Corruption: Integration of Asset Declaration and Compulsive Blind Trusts Systems – A Case Study of the Practices Adopted in the United States and in Taiwan District, 2 Anti-Corruption and Integrity Culture Studies 66 (2015)
19. Legal Issues on Private Equity Investment Funds in China, 27 Hebei Law Science 91 (2009)
20. Legal Issues on Trust Registration in China (co-author), 1 Research on Governmental Law Systems 1 (2009)
21. A Comparative Study on the Compensatory Damages under the Legal Framework of Chinese Civil Legal Remedies, 5 Journal of East China University of Politics & Law 28 (2007)
22. Legal Analysis on the Phenomenon of “Victims of a Same Tort Receiving Different Amounts of Compensation”, Nanjing University Law Review 180 (Fall Issue, 2006)
Lectures Offered at Fudan University School of Law
1. 国际金融法International Financial Law
2. 国际金融信托法International Financial and Trust Law (for LLM students majoring in international law)
3. 国际商法International Business Law –Chinese Chapter from Comparative Law Perspectives
4. 比较法Comparative Law (co-teaching)
5. 中国民法Chinese Civil Law (for international LLM students)
6. 中国证券法Chinese Securities Law (for international LLM students)
7. 法律专业英语I –英美合同法Legal English I –Common Law of Contracts
8. 法律专业英语II –英美侵权法Legal English II –Common Law of Torts
9. 法律专业英语III –英美审判实务Legal English III –Common Law Trial Practice
10. 法律专业英语IV –英美法案例分析与法律写作Legal English IV –Common Law Cases Analysis and Legal Drafting (for LLM and PhD students)
Lectures offered in foreign law schools as a visiting professor
1. 比较信托法Comparative Trust Law
2. 国际商事交易法International Business Transactions
3. 中国商法Chinese Business Law