主要研究领域包括国际法、法学教育史、经济法、全球数据治理。近三年已在Human Rights Quarterly, International Review of Economics & Finance, International Data Privacy Law, Journal of International Dispute Settlement, Legal History Review, and Leiden Journal of International Law等期刊发表若干论文。
CHEN Li is a Professor of Law at Fudan University Law School. He specializes in international law, the history of legal education, economic law, law and technology. His recent articles have appeared in leading peer-reviewed journals, including Human Rights Quarterly, International Data Privacy Law, International Review of Economics & Finance, Journal of International Dispute Settlement, Legal History Review, and Leiden Journal of International Law.
近三年代表作/Select recent publications
1. Pioneer Chinese Law Students in the United States from 1878 to 1911, HISTORY OF EDUCATION (2024)
2. The Role of Cities in Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions — Evidence from China, INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCE (2024) (with Lian Zeng et al.)
3. Unpacking the Exclusionary Rule of Repeated Confessions in China, 28(2) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EVIDENCE AND PROOF (2024) (with Mou Luye)
4. Trailblazing Colonial Judiciary: Tribute to the First Chinese Chief Justice Yang Ti Liang, 53(3) HONG KONG LAW JOURNAL (2023)
5. Unpacking Data: China’s ‘Bundle of Rights’ Approach to the Commercialization of Data, 13(2) INTERNATIONAL DATA PRIVACY LAW (2023) (with Xiong Bingwan and Ge Jiangqiu)
6. A Tale of Two Cities: The Education and Experiences of Two ICJ Judges in China and America, 13(4) JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL DISPUTE SETTLEMENT (2022)
7. Chinese International Lawyer and British Doctoral Supervisor: The Case of Hwang King Hung and Hersch Lauterpacht, 90(3-4) TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR RECHTSGESCHIEDENIS / THE LEGAL HISTORY REVIEW (2022)
8. A Contemporaneous Interpretation of Lo Chung-Shu’s Reply to the UNESCO Human Rights Survey, 44(1) HUMAN RIGHTS QUARTERLY (2022)
9. A Forgotten Proponent of a League of Nations and His Contributions to International Law, 35(2) LEIDEN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW (2022)