11. Cambridge Handbook of China and International Law, Cambridge University Press, 2024 (共同主编)
10. The Contribution of the UN Security Council to the Law of War and Peace, Cambridge University Press, 2022 (with Larissa van den Herik,Tiyanjana Maluwa)
9. Research Handbook of International Court of Justice, Edward Elgar Publishers, 2021, chapter author
8. Research Handbook on Unilateral / Extraterritorial Sanctions, Edward Elgar Publishers, 2021, chapter author
7. The BRICS in the New International Legal Order: Reformers or Disruptors, Brill/Nijhoff, 2020 (共同主编)
6. Oxford Handbook of Global Security and Law, Oxford University Press, 2020, chapter author
5. TheRise of China and International Law, Oxford University Press, 2019
4. Oxford Handbook of Comparative Foreign Relations Law, Oxford University Press, 2019, chapter author
3. Comparative International Law, Oxford University Press, 2018, chapter author
2. The United Nations and Sanction, Eldge, 2017, chapter author.
1. The Legal Protection of Foreign Investment: A Comparative Study, Hart Publishing 2012, chapter author
11. 《美国国际投资协定》(主译兼全书校译),法律出版社2017年
10. 《国际投资法中间接征收问题的新发展》(与李尊然合作),法律出版社2015年版
8. 《作为造法者的国际组织》(主译兼全书校译),法律出版社2011年版
7. 《国际性法院与法庭适用的一般法律原则》(合译),法律出版社2011年版
6. 《国际法》(主译兼全书校译),法律出版社2009年版
5. 《国际投资法的新发展与中国双边投资条约的新实践》(主要撰稿人兼副主编),维多利亚vic003出版社2007年版
4. 《私人结构性参与多边贸易体制》(独著),北京大学出版社2007年版
3. 《欧盟对华投资法律框架批判:解构与建构》(独译),北京大学出版社2007年版
2. 《欧盟商法》(主译),北京大学出版社2006年版
16. The Rise of China and the Universality of International Law, Chinese International Strategy Review, Vol. 3, No.1, 2021.
15. Transparency and Transparency-related Litigations in Chinese Foreign Relations, Chinese Journal of Comparative Law, 2021, Vol.7, No. 2 (with Yeifei Wang)
14. Transnational Judicial Dialogue in the Rise of China—How Chinese Judiciary Enhances the BRI, Asia and Pacific Law Review (SSCI), Vol.29, No.1, 2021(with Yifei Wang)
13. Balanced Investment Treaties and the BRICS, AJIL Unbound, Vol.112, No.3, 2018
12. Chinese Foreign Relations Law, AJIL Unbound, Vol.111, No.2, 2017
11. Enforcing National Security? China’s National Security Law and International Law, Journal of East Asia and International Law, Vol.10, No., 2017 (SSCI)
10. International Law in Chinese Courts during the Rise of China, American Journal of International Law, Vol.110, 2016(SSCI).
9. Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement Negotiations and New Promise for the Multilateralization of International Investment Law, Journal of East Asia and International Law, vol.6, No.2, 2013(SSCI).
8. New Great Powers and International Law in the 21st Century, European Journal of International Law, Vol.24, No.3, 2013(SSCI).
7. Regulation of Non-Traditional Investment Risks and Modern Investment Treaty Regime in the Era of Late Globalization, Manchester Journal of International Economic Law (MJIEL), Vol.7, Issue 3, 2010.
6. China-US BIT Negotiations and the Future of Investment Treaty Regime—A Grand Bilateral Bargain with Multilateral Implications, Journal of International Economic Law, Vol.12, Issue 2, 2009(SSCI).
5. Structure of Arbitrators and Its Implications towards ICSID Mechanism: An Empirical Analysis, Journal of World Investment & Trade, Vol.9, No.3, 2008.
4. International Investment Treaties and the Formation, Application, and the Transformation of Customary International Law Rules, Chinese Journal of International Law, Vol.7, No.3, 2008(SSCI).
3. Human Rights Conditionality in the International Economic Relations: From the EU, Multilateral Institutions, to China, Journal of East Asia and International Law, Vol.1, No.1, 2008.
2. Change of the Structure of International Investment and Possible Developments of Developing States' BIT Practice—— A Third Way in BIT Practice, Journal of World Investment & Trade, Vol.8, No.6, 2007.
1. OFDI protection and the Effectiveness of Chinese BIT Practice, Journal of World Investment & Trade, Vol.7, No.5, 2006.
25. 《新寇疫情后中国面临的“地缘法律”实践》,载《亚太安全与海洋》2021年第2期。
24. 《国际法的普遍性:过去、现在与未来》,载《现代法学》2021年第1期。
22. 《国家的“离开”、“回归”与国际法的未来》,载《国际法研究》2018年第4期
21. 《和平崛起、对外关系法与中国法院的功能再造》,载《武汉大学学报》(哲社版)2018年第5期
12. 《国际投资条约实践中的税收措施问题》,载于《武汉大学国际法评论》第13卷(2009)